
Week 50 – Robin



As Judy mentioned, the NWG’s walked through Erna Nixon Park, a magical place with it’s tree lined boardwalk. I love forests and this is a tropical paradise with beautiful oaks, citrus and palms in a natural setting. Nature gone wild in the middle of Melbourne! 🙂

I used my 8mm Rokinon fisheye manually set on infinity focus, f/11, 1/25s, ISO 400. Used a touch of NIK HDR and NIK contrast adjustments.


Week 50 – Judy


The NWGs went to Erna Nixon Park over the holiday week. It had rained the day before and the Resurrection Fern was all over the large Oak trees in the Park. If you don’t know about Resurrection Fern, it’s a fern that looks all dried up and dead after a few days of no rain. Then once it rains, it shows up like this within a few hours. Thus, the name. Nature is amazing!

My settings were ISO 100, f/7.10, 1/6 sec, at 76mm (70-300mm). I selected the branch and the fern, inversed the selection and made the background B/w with PS Elements to make the branch and fern pop a little more.

Happy New Year!
